15 Aug 2016

Outline of 2016-17 Training Programme
GRADnet is pleased to announce its programme of Physics PGR training for the coming academic year.�We have developed our biggest programme yet for 2016/17 comprising a mix of� academic Physics workshops and student-led conferences; Residential schools with real life industrial content, leadership and professional skills training; targeted professional skills modules and more peer-learning opportunities.
This year, GRADnet is focussing more strongly on residential workshops in the big research themes of its partner Physics Departments. For 2016/17 we are offering:
Planetary Science (14-15 Nov 2016)
Cosmology and Gravitation (16-18 Jan 2017)
Experimental Methods for Condensed Matter Physicists (5-7 March 2017)
Quantum Technologies (24-26 April 2017) and
For some of these events we will return to the Old Thorns Country Club which offers impressive facilities in the middle of our region. Others will be held at NPL.
[caption id="attachment_2288" align="alignnone" width="300"]

Teamwork: the marshmallow challenge at the 2016 GRADnet Winter School[/caption]
For First Year PGRs
The whole programme kicks off with an Induction Day on 26th October in central London. New this year, Induction� will include a choice of workshops for new PhD students:
Introduction to LaTeX
Introduction to Python
Introduction to MATlab
Getting your research published and
Organising meetings and conferences.
For all PGRS
The Winter School in 2017 (Feb �13-15) focuses entirely on the 2003 NASA Columbia disaster:� a popular case-study element of last year�s school. It takes students through exercises in leadership and team-working, skills rated highly by employers. The 2017 Summer School (July 3-6) follows the established pattern of� �What can I do with my PhD?�� a mix of employer workshops and consultancy challenges. In 2017 it will be hosted once more by NPL.
There will be a Student led conference covering Astronomy�and Scanning Probe Microscopy Techniques at the University of Southampton on March 30-31 2017; a Professional Skills Day on May 18th; a module on Public Engagement on February 21st; and Effective Researcher, kicking it off, on Nov 1st and �29th 2016.
The programme for the year can be downloaded here:�GRADnet Brochure 2016-17 Final For more information on these course and to register, logon to the GRADnet VRE.